Little Lights Curriculum
Triumph's Little Lights Preschool offers your child an educational experience in a Christ-centered atmosphere.
For each class of 20 students there are three qualified and experienced staff members: a teacher and two aides.
Little Lights is licensed to meet needs of preschool children ages 3 to 5.
Art at Little Lights
We feel that art is about the process not the end product.
The children experience using art materials of many kinds in varying ways. The children think creatively as they make a true collection of their own work. Seldom do any two pieces of artwork look alike.
While thinking creatively the children are also developing eye hand coordination along with large and small motor skills.
Learning From The Bible
The children are involved in actively learning a daily Bible story in the classroom.
We use a variety of hands on materials or props as we teach. Items such as costumes so the children may act out the story, flannel graphs, and props to touch and feel in order to make stories come to life.
We believe the Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments as originally given, has each word inspired and as a whole is free from error, and is therefore the final authoritative guide for faith and conduct.
Building Blocks
Preschoolers are active learners who are learning everyday in new ways.
The block center allows the children to examine and experiment construction with blocks of all shapes, sizes, and colors to develop symbolic representations in pretend and social play. Theses construction materials are important for the children to represent their understandings in concrete experiences that allow them to work and play alone or together.
Dramatic Play
Preschoolers are very curious and interested in learning about the world around them.
They themselves have many creative ideas and approaches to playing in our dramatic play themes where they can experience being a figure they see in the community in a simulated environment such as pizza parlor, firefighter, hospital, grocery store etc.
All of our centers are selected and based on the interests of the children.
S.M.A.R.T (Pre-K)
Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training (S.M.A.R.T.) Pre-K is a program that helps children’s brains and bodies get ready to learn! It provides the foundation for the required basic readiness skills, critical for successful learners.
We provide both outdoor and indoor spaces for fun physical activities that develop and enhance large and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, visual efficiency, hand-eye coordination, attention and much more. Readiness skills help students attend and learn, making them ready for school.
Home Living
Children observe, practice and learn what they see. This is their way to learn about the world around them.
In the home living center children get the chance to play roles that they observe everyday in their homes and community, all while interacting with other children in their class, helping them understand friendships and relationships with others.
Manipulatives are games and toys the children do in order to develop their fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the development of their hand and finger muscles to help them complete activities.
Developing these simply requires the children to manipulate objects with their fingers. The children work their way into doing things one handed and also with precision and a steady hand. We pick toys and games that are appealing as well as ones that develop the children's fine motor skills.
Emergent Math
Preschoolers are beginning to experiment with simple math concepts. It is so important for them to work with 'real' objects as they learn number concepts and one-to-one correspondence, which is the understanding that one object represents the number one . We try to incorporate number counting throughout the day, including calendar time, finger plays, match games and counting out snack. This gives them numerous chances to see numbers represent objects.
Preschoolers enjoy a variety of music and often will quickly catch on to tunes and lyrics.
We want them to explore different types of music as well as creating music of their own. Their active participation makes their musical experience powerful, as the children enjoy multiple ways of learning through music and movement.
Practical Life Skills
In varying activities the children will be exposed to new language skills and will begin to understand about jobs people have around the house, such as taking care of others, cooking, cleaning up and preparing for the day.
We will help your child understand family roles and responsibilities people have in their home.
Pre-Writing Skills
We begin with individual work, teaching the children letter formations along with learning the phonemic sounds of each letter. We also have a free writing station; this makes learning and developing literacy skills real and purposeful for the children.
We want to encourage the children's ability to put thoughts on paper, first through pictures and then progressing through the developmental stages of writing.
Since language develops at such a rapid pace during children's early years we feel it needs to be represented frequently!
The children take part in two circle times and have many opportunities to expand their language through finger plays, books, audio books and exposure to print.
The consistent exposure to language will help them build their vocabulary.
Our science opportunities are for the children to explore, experiment and find out more about interesting materials relevant to their lives.
The children are encouraged to examine the materials and see new and appealing items. This expands their knowledge in questioning, comparing, contrasting and problem solving skills.
Sensory Tables
We understand that children love to touch and feel new things.
The sensory table is a place where the children can explore and feel new and exciting things. This gives the children the chance to manipulate and try out new items.
We change the substances in the sensory table when the children are ready for a new item of interest. Some of the items are: corn, beans, sand, water, snow, ice, flax etc.